Sailing To Save The OceansWithCasey Cooper


Captain Casey Cooper

Casey has a certain proclivity to the wild nature of things...

Captain Casey Cooper takes adventurers deep into the wilderness of Alaska for fly fishing excursions (among other activities and to other destinations). Casey might best be described as a guide.

There is a certain paradoxical peace to be found in the middle of the wilderness, and there are certain aspects of yourself you can only find deep in the wilderness, away from civilization, away from work, away from people.

Casey's excursions are absolutely one-of-a-kind! To get a sense for the majestic beauty of the wilderness he treks check out his Instagram images here:

Sailing to Save the Oceans

As a partner with Sailing to Save the Oceans, Casey is engaged in helping promote plastic-to-fuel technology, which has the potential to aleviate some of the burden of plastic pollution on our oceans.

Learn more about plastic-to-fuel tech at Clean Oceans International's website: Plastic-to-Fuel Demo Video

Learn more about Sailing to Save the Oceans below...

Billions Of Pounds Of Plastic Pollute Our Oceans Today

What if you could help solve this environmental catastophe?

It's estimated that each year 16 billion pounds of plastic flow into the oceans from polluted rivers, shipping accidents, and many other sources. There is a sensational derivation of this estimate that has made headlines:

By 2050, there will be more plastic in the oceans than fish 🐠

It's a massive environmental catastrophe that we are only beginning to measure and understand. It took a generation to cause it, and it is likely going to take a generation to fix it. Let's get started! There are many aspects to the solution:

  • Innovating new materials that nature can cope with better than plastic.
  • Preventing plastic from ever getting into the oceans.
  • Running awareness and education campaigns.
  • Novel scientific and engineering approaches to solve the microplastics problem.
  • Cleanup efforts to physically remove plastic from the oceans.

We are contributing by running a small, fun, adventurous, and tactical project with the potential to make a big splash, with your help!

Sailing Adventures ⛵
That Protect Our Oceans

Casey, along with Innovation Bound and Clean Oceans International is helping run mission-based sailing expeditions!

There is a lot of work to do to clean up the plastic pollution in our oceans. Research needs to be conducted to understand the extent of the problem, clean up and prevention methods need to be developed for different parts of the plastic problem, and a lot more people need to understand the severity of the situation. We are ready to raise awareness and take action!

Clean Oceans International has been pioneering the use of plastic-to-fuel conversion technology which removes incentives to dump plastic into the ocean. They've been running education campaigns with various universities and schools, and have conducted research trips in multiple oceans.

The expeditions that Casey and others will be joining are set to visit remote coastlines to assess plastic pollution quantity and variety, they'll visit remote communities and demonstrate plastic-to-fuel recycling innovations (this must work for the local community, so we're ready to listen, not just force our approach), and we're ready to make these mission fun, entertaining, and informative so we can spread the message far and wide!

We are just a humble vessel with some innovative tech and a misfit crew. Will you support our voyage and help us set sail?