The Sound of a Better Place

What if corporate life is pushing us further and further into a nervous and stressful place within ourselves? What if there were another way?

Photo of Hilary Shaw
Hilary Shaw
Leadership Development Manager at Electronic Arts

Our guest Hilary Shaw demonstrates the effect of activating our parasympathetic nervous system in a world that constantly pushes us in the other, more stressful, direction.




Let's Meet Hilary Shaw

What do yoga, sound meditation, and leadership development have to do with one another?

How Do Experiences & Environments Affect Us?

Hilary talks about how her experiences have shown here the importance of our environments, and how experiences embedded in the spaces we occupy, that affects us in profound ways. Thankfully, it's something we can influence!

What Does the Future of The Workplace Look Like?

Hilary shares her hopes and predictions about how spaces in our work world will evolve, and how technology might play a role.

Sound Meditation Exercise (You Can Follow Along!)

Hilary talks about and then guides us through a sound meditation. Sit, relax, and enjoy!

What Do Monks & Navy SEALs Have in Common?

Hilary talks about the practice of breath and its use from the US Military all the way to the Buddhist monastaries in Tibet.

Additional Resources & Another Exercise to Follow Along With

Hilary shares the work of the Strozzi Institute and guides us through another exercise to help us activate our parasympathetic nervous system.

The Parasympathetic Nervous System

Hilary talks about the value of both the sympathic and parasympathetic nervous systems, how the work world has pushed us too far and too constantly in one direction, and how we might shift back to a more balanced place.

It's Easy to Find Enlightenment Sitting on a Rock in a Beautiful Forest

Costa asks how to take lessons form meditation and apply them in the cacophony and barrage of stress of the modern workplace.

Where Are We Headed?

Hilary talks about the influence of technology and where things are headed.