Three travelers rave and muse about the transformational potential of seeing the world
Have you ever booked a one way plane ticket to somewhere you've never been? Have you been surrounded by people who speak a different language than your own? You might have the heart of a traveler...
Starting with a laugh, meet our hosts, guest, and get to know their quirks and backgrounds. Arlette is a globe trotting, dutch mother, currently living in Portugal. Andrew is a musician, well-traveled expedition photographer and digital storyteller, and Costa is equally passionate about seeing the world, a freediver, and innovation consultant traveling for business and pleasure always.
How do you go past the tourist vale and make it through to see the way they live in another place? Most places you might travel to put up a front for tourists, and staying in that front, you only ever experience a thin vernier of the culture. Oh, but if you go beyond...
Think of a place you've traveled to that you loved so much that you want to return. Hear recommendations from our three world travelers.
Namely, Greece, Bermuda, Brazil, The Maldives, and a whole lot more.
Arelette is partnering with us to combat plastic ocean pollution on our Sailing To Save The Oceans project. It's and epic project. You should check it out!
Arlette shares a sneak peak of her upcoming travel guide. If you're planning on setting out on your first ecotourism adventure or you want to be a more sustainable travler, Arlette is making her accumulated travel wisdom available to you.
Is the camera a crutch or a tool? What is the role of photography in your travels? Andrew takes us on a short exploration, and shares some unique insights.
Maybe... but maybe not!
Costa shares a little about how travel relates to creativity and innovation, with a little Greek pride sprinkled in there.
A fun closing question: If you could choose anyone to send anywhere, who would you send, where, and with what mode of transport?